Saturday, August 30, 2008

Breakfast Recipe: Waffle Sandwich

24 hours a day just doesn't seem to be enough times now of days to do everything we want to accomplish. So here is a quick breakfast recipe that I was given that's fast, taste great and is good for dieting. All you need are 2 waffles, peanut butter, a banana and blueberries and/or raspberries (optional). Toast your Waffles leaving them more soft than hard. Add peanut butter but not to much to much peanut butter is not good for you. Slice your banana down the middle long ways. Add Berries and banana. Put your other half on top and in 3 minutes you have a fast diet friendly breakfast.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Remove shell, extract peanut. Toss shell somewhere. Return peanut, bare, and naked, to your mouth. Taste it fully as you chew the earthy taste of the simple peanut. Packed with protein, served with panache in that cradling shell, the peanut is about as good as it gets in the simple goodness of life.